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Weki Meki 'Kiss Kicks' Album Review

April 19, 2019

This album was the first I heard from Weki Meki, and the fun, carefree sound mixed with their amazing singing made this one of my everyday listens. I loved the dance, and I thought the music video was perfect – I instantly fell in love with all of the members (especially Doyeon).

It starts off with the amazing Crush, which is such a fun and sweet song to listen to, and actually doesn’t get boring after a few listens like a lot of songs with this concept. The whole song flows really well, and it’s really the kind of song that makes you want to get up and dance. My favourite part is of course the rap in the second verse, because it’s so cool and rhythmic, and doesn’t feel like they just added it in there to fill bars – it actually adds. I really like how Weki Meki use electric guitars so much, because it stands out.

The second song is True Valentine. It’s just as upbeat and dance-worthy as the title, and has some really interesting tunes that make it that much more memorable. I really love the chorus, because it’s surprisingly complex and much better because of it. The hyped rap in the bridge is really nice as well, and the sweet singing straight after is the perfect contrast.

It finishes off with Dear. This is the sweetest thing ever! It is the perfect slower-tempo for this group as they have such sweet voices. The whole song has some really beautiful melodies in it, and they use some more unusual chords that make it feel more emotional. This song just makes my heart swell…

This single album was perfect because it had a nice range of different songs in it, and almost felt like it strayed a little away from the average as well.

Kpop Review Café’s Overall Album Ranking: 6/10

Written by Jessica